Knitting makes me happy, computers keep me humble.

Looking through some old issues of Knitter's magazine (No. 50) a couple of weeks ago I ran across this lovely doily pattern...but since I have no use for a doily I did it on size US eight's with the thinner of the Falkland Island a baby blankie.

You'll notice the points in the last two rows are WAY off...I know I was doing this section around September lost and kinda just punted through the last section.

I'm in the process of doing a second one on US 11s with should be a full circular shawl for works up quickly (less than two weeks) and the repeats are also helps that I remembered to use markers between repeats on the second one :-)


Knitting Stuff
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Geek Stuff
My Town - Jerome, Arizona

January 9, 2009
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Erica Raspberry