Knitting makes me happy, computers keep me humble.

The WORLD Famous Bair Isle Sweater!
THANKS ListMom Sheila!!!
As you can see, I couldn't force myself to do the patterns on the sleeves...and found out my fairisle tension was waaaaay off working on DPs for the sleeves...was also reminded that I don't like small find the next color, "get" or is it "grok" the pattern and in two seconds you are at the end of the row and have to do it all over again, unlike an adult sweater where you can motor around three hundred stitches before you have to think :-)
This is the first time I have done facings...folded one steek out and stitched it down separately...folded one steek IN and hid it inside the facing...much better. I never pre-sew my steeks before cutting and this time I didn't sew down my sleeve steeks...after all, this is the perfect project to practice on...they held up fine through a vigorous washing!

Knitting Stuff
How to:
Geek Stuff
My Town - Jerome, Arizona

January 9, 2009
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© 2009
Erica Raspberry