Knitting makes me happy, computers keep me humble.

After all those CIC fulled socks I decided I needed a pair of fulled house slippers for myself...super thick Lopi type yarn. US #11 double points. CO 40. Work ten rows k3 p2. Do heel stitch on half the stitches, slipping the first stitch of every row for 18 rows (heel flap.) Turn heel...sl1, k9, k2tog, k1 turn...etc. Continue heel stitch on turning section without worrying about how the stitches fall in relationship to the previous row :-)

I picked up 9 gusset stitches (never pick up an extra in the corner - it makes a hole.) Thirty rows from the edge of the heel flap for the body.

The finished sock is too big to fit on the scanner without folding...wonder if it will shrink down enough?



Knitting Stuff
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Geek Stuff
My Town - Jerome, Arizona

January 9, 2009
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Erica Raspberry